This brief user guide explains how to install Actor Prolog under Windows

1. Please download and start the setup.exe program and answer all its questions. Please take into account following issues:

1.1. The installation program will try to put into Windows register information about file extensions associated with the Actor Prolog system. This operation will fail, if your have no administrator permissions. In this case, the register will not be updated, but the Actor Prolog system will work without any problems.

1.2. The user interface of the Actor Prolog system may work incorrectly under Vista and later versions of Windows; the menu and standard file open dialogs do not work sometimes. Please tune the Actor Prolog icon properties to avoid these incompatibility problems. Namely, after the installation of the Actor Prolog system, do the right mouse click on the Editor icon, open the Properties dialog box, open the Compatibility panel. Then under Vista and Windows 7: switch ON the Disable visual themes checkbox. Under later versions of Windows: switch ON the Reduced color mode checkbox and select the 8-bit (256) colors mode.

2. The Actor Prolog system can translate logic programs from Actor Prolog source code to Java. To execute these Java programs you should install the Java Development Kit, version 7 (JDK7) or later. You can use the Actor Prolog system without installation of JDK, of course, but some Actor Prolog examples (including 3D graphics) cannot work without JDK7. Here are some notes on JDK7 installation:

2.1. Use the jdk-7u80-windows-i586.exe installation program under 32-bit Windows and the jdk-7u80-windows-x64.exe program under 64-bit Windows to install JDK7. One can use later versions of JDK of course. You can get these programs from the Oracle web site for free. Sometimes one should install both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of JDK under 64-bit Windows to supply 32-bit Internet browsers with 32-bit Java plug-ins.

2.1.1. Go into the Control panel of the Windows system. Open the System properties dialog box. Select the Additional properties panel. Press the Environment variable button. Create the CLASSPATH system variable. This variable must contain directory names where Java should look for libraries and source files. For instance, the CLASSPATH variable can have the following value:

.;E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80\lib\*;D:\Java\Examples\*;D:\Java\Examples;

if you have installed JDK in the Program Files\Java\ directory, on the E disk. Please note that the lib sub-directory is pointed in the jdk1.7.0_80 directory. Create the JAVA_HOME system variable. This variable must contain the path to the place where JDK is installed. For instance:

E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80 Edit the Path system variable. This variable should contain directory where JDK is installed, because it helps Windows to look for executable files. Let the value of the Path system variable is (before the update):


Then the value of the Path system variable after your update is:

%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80\bin;

Please note that the bin sub-directory is pointed in the jdk1.7.0_80 directory.

2.1.2. The story is not over yet! You should make a manual operation now. Go into the directory where JDK is installed and copy manually the Java\jdk1.7.0_80\jre\bin\server sub-directory into the Java\jre7\bin directory. In other words, you should copy the server sub-directory into the Java\jre7\bin directory. This operation is necessary under 32-bit versions of Windows, but not under 64-bit versions (because the work is already done). I don't know what is the reason for this strange difference, but this operation is really necessary to provide high speed of Java programs. By the way, please remember that one should select the server or the testbed virtual machine in the Actor Prolog options dialog to utilize the maximal acceleration of Java (see Options | Fix code generation attributes | Virtual machine).

2.2. New! One should NOT install the Java3D package on the computer now. The Actor Prolog system will add all 3D graphics libraries to your program automatically after the compilation (see examples on Java3D and the Options | Fix code generation attributes | JARs options in the system menu). You can publish your 3D applets in the Internet in conjunction with the Java3D libraries, and the applets will work on other computers WITHOUT installation of Java3D. One can found Java3D technical documents and examples of Java3D programs on the web site. Please note that installation packs published on this site are out of date; DO NOT USE these programs. Please visit the web site to get recent information about the Java3D project, if you are interested in technical details.

Good luck!