In 1812, when Napoleon was on his way to join the grand army destined to subdue Russia, he slept at Coblentz,
and caused this inscription to be engraved on a fountain just then completed in front of the hotel at which he
had descended. "Memorable pour la Campagne contre les Russes, 1812" (Memorable for the Campaign against the
Russians in 1812. - translation). The following year, after the memorable defeat of the French, a detachment
of the Russian army took possession of Coblentz. Some unworthy citizen, desirous of gaining favour with the
new comers, pointed out the inscription to the Russian commander; expecting doubtless a reward for his pains,
and to see the structure levelled with the ground. He was, however, disappointed; the general ordered these
words to be added to the inscription, "Vue et approve par nous, commandant Russe de la ville de Coblentz"
(View and approve by us, Russian commander of the city of Coblentz - translation).
Weever Walter, M.A. Letters from the continent: containing sketches of foreign scenery and manners:
with hints as to the different modes of travelling, expense of living, etc. / William Blackwood,
Edinburgh and T. Cadell, Strand, London. – MDCCCXXVIII (1828).