- Russian Science Foundation, No. 22-75-10079, "Development of high-sensitive methods for early and differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases with trembling hyperkinesis", 2022-2025.
- Russian Science Foundation, No. 22-69-00102, "Intelligent automated complex for detecting and classifying in real time diagnostic indicators of long-term synchronous video-EEG monitoring of delayed cerebral ischemia after subarachnoid hemorrhage", 2022-2025.
Completed projects:
- Russian Science Foundation, No. 16-11-10258, "Methods and programs development for joint analysis of EEG and video monitoring in the reproduction periods after traumatic brain injuries", 2016-2018.
- RFBR, No. 12-02-00611-a, "Studies of time-frequency signs of electroencephalograms in the early stage of Parkinson's disease", 2012-2014.
- RFBR, No. 13-07-92694-IND-a, "Development of logic programming approach to intelligent monitoring of anomalous human activities", 2013-2014.
- RFBR, No. 15-07-07846 A, "Methods for joint analysis of electroencephalograms, electromyograms and tremor signals in early stage Parkinson's disease diagnostics", 2015-2017.
- RFBR, No. 16-29-09626 ofi_m, "Development of the multi-agent logic programming approach to a human behaviour analysis in a multi-channel video surveillance", 2016-2018.
- RFBR, No. 16-37-00426 mol_a, "Methods and software of space-frequency-time analysis of electrophysiological signals for the early stage Parkinson’s disease features extraction", 2016.
- RFBR, No. 18-07-00609 A, "The development of methods for estimation of the phase coherence of signals from multi-channel EEG", 2018-2020.
- RFBR, No. 18-37-20021 mol_a_ved "Stability", "Research and development of methods and algorithms for time-frequency analysis of wave train electrical activity in electromyographic, accelerometric, and electroencephalographic signals for early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and essential tremor", 2018-2020.
- RFBR, No. 18-29-02035-MK, "New analysis and metric classification methods development of long-term clinical data of video and electroencephalographic monitoring", 2018-2021.
- Event 1.4 of the federal target program "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2013", state contract dated October 17, 2011 No. 07.514.12.4029, "Development and research of software-algorithmic methods for automating recognition of images of neurons and reconstruction of their three-dimensional distribution”, 2011-2012.
- Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Fundamental Sciences - Medicine", the project "Investigation of time-frequency signs of electroencephalograms in the early stage of Parkinson's disease and testing of methods for their isolation in clinical practice", 2012-2014.
- Program of fundamental research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 43 on strategic directions of development of science for 2014 "Fundamental problems of mathematical modeling", project "Development of time-frequency models of electrical activity of the brain in different forms of epilepsy", 2014.